About LOCAL, the app which help word press developers to work locally, on their PC's and sync their work with cloud/sharing safotware (Google Drive, Dropbox) or push to Flywheel or WP Engine, their managed WordPress hosting services. Their official website is: https://localwp.com/ and there you can find more useful informations. I use this software but not too often, because for my case is not suitable, usually I work from various places in the city and I prefere to keep the work on internet and being able to edit from any location. But for…continue reading →

Running LOCAL – No input file specified

LOCAL is an web development software, created and maintaned by WP Engine, with aim to help web developers who work with WordPress to work locally, on their PC. Something like you go somewhere in the wild in order no one to disturb you and have all your time to work on an WordPress project but in the wild there is no internet... So you install this software which creates an local development environment (server - apache or nginx, database server - mysql or mariadb, php - few versions) on your laptop/PC and can…continue reading →
Product Extra Tabs infinite backup copies

Product Extra Tabs infinite backup copies

One issue comes with PrestaShop module Product Extra Tabs (which is very useful by the way, because give you the opportunity to add extra tabs to any products, more than default PS tabs). For your info, here is the module page on Prestashop add-ons and here is the page from developer, Presteamshop.com I recently found in folder ..\override\controllers\admin\templates\products\ many files - in fact around 300 - with filename starting with "tabs.tpl_BK-PET-PTS_xxx-yy-zz" where xxx is the year, yy the month, zz the day. Very annoying. Probably if I will not observed this in 3…continue reading →
Get ride of google maps from PrestaShop

Get ride of google maps from PrestaShop

Sometimes some of you might encounter issues with PrestaShop, which loads google maps even that you don't want to (disabled this option in back-office, even deleted the API key). In order to apre your time I must state from now that my problem which I will detail bellow was caused by an module, NOT by PrestaShop itself. So, if you done everything on back-office and still see on developer tab (page inspector) some warings saying: "NoApiKeys" and/or "SensorNotRequired" so... keep reading. I decided not to use this feature of PrestaShop, to display an…continue reading →